We didn't get from underneath all of those jobs for work until this past week, and so I haven't made much progress since that point on any seaming for Illyria's dress. And, being the type of person I am, I've started Knitty's Broadripple socks. Yep, I'm knitting socks. It's a first for me, and I've been knitting now for several years. I've gotten pretty far on the first one for only having started yesterday. It's just so much easier for me to think of knitting something than seaming. Much less tedious. And since Illyria's dress is lace, I'd rather not think about seaming things right now. I will probably do a bit of seaming today, though.
We're all mad here
Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Even further today with Illyria's dress. I have one bootie seamed and complete with ribbon. The rest will have to wait until we don't have 380 jobs sitting in our queue. The good news is that I think it should fit her when she is a year and not immediately. I had her put on the bootie already, and it was just a bit too big yet. As it will most likely better fit her in a few months, I won't feel rushed to get it done in the next couple of days (as the girls are having pictures done Tuesday), and I'll have a nice dress for her for Christmas/her birthday.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
I know I've been a bum about updating this, but quite honestly, I have had nothing to report. I've been working on Illyria's dress for ages, but it's just about complete now. Luckily, I think she should still be able to wear it by the time I am complete. Right now, I've just got to rip out the top of the front of the dress and reknit that (that won't take long at all, really) because I made it a little too high, and then I've got to add on the picot edging to the dress and bonnet, and finally I have to block and seam it.
Here are some pictures of the dress as I was blocking the back prior to finding out I had knit up too far.

I also still have to complete the hat, and my dad's dragon, and I have to get some work done on some Fibre-Craft mermaid pillow dolls for the girls. Those are crocheted, though, and I'm still working on getting that down.